July 8th, 2013

Millennium Bridge Approach, Peters Hill

Go-Gum Limited Protect The Millennium Bridge Approach, Peters Hill.

Summer 2013 saw Go-Gum Limited, at the request of the City of London Corporation, protect the newly landscaped areas of Peters Hill. The area of London in question is located to the south of St. Pauls Cathedral on the axis of the Millennium Bridge and Tate Gallery.

Due to its exceptional penetration and stain repellent properties, Pave-Saver, supplied by Go-Gum Limited, was specified as it is ideally suited to the protection of a wide variety of outdoor and indoor masonry surfaces that are subjected to heavy foot traffic.

The landscape architecture of Peters Hill is predominately hard urban townscape, which is subjected to high levels of pedestrian foot traffic. Due to the area being extremely busy during the daytime, Go-Gum were asked to apply the Pave-Saver invisible chewing gum and stain repellent at night in order to minimise disruption to the public. All works were completed in just two shifts during consecutive nights in July and in total, an area of 1450 sq. metres of new paving was protected.

Commenting on the project and working with The Go-Gum Group, Vincent Dignam, Business Improvement and Performance Manager for the City of London said:”I would like to say that the Pave-Saver application that you have provided on the York stone around our litter bins and on our street scene enhancement projects at Peter’s Hill, by Millennium Bridge, have been excellent. It has reduced the staining and chewing gum adhering to the surfaces and made cleansing easier.”

“Another benefit has been how flexible your company has been with regards to applying the application at Nights and not during peak times.”

“The mastic applications have also been a great success at Liverpool Street and other areas where we have applied.”