January 30th, 2012

Liverpool Housing Trust

Back to Black Tarmac Renovation System Applied to External Communal Walkways.

Liverpool Housing Trust (LHT) is part of the Symphony Housing Group and has been providing affordable homes on Merseyside since 1965. LHT now owns almost 10,000 homes across Merseyside. Around 3/4 of the homes are in Liverpool, but they also provide houses in Halton, Knowsley, St. Helens, Wirral and Sefton and Warrington.

Rob Dixon, Managing Director of Go-Gum Ltd commented: “Liverpool Housing Trust wanted to re-juvenate old and tired looking areas of tarmac within their external communal areas. The ‘Back to Black’ Tarmac Renovation System has left the treated areas looking like new and has been supplied at a fraction of the cost when compared to conventional ashpalt.