February 10th, 2008

Hammering Home The Protection

Hammersmith and Fulham Homes specify the combination easy-on™ and easy-guard™ solution

Hammersmith and Fulham Homes are an “arms length management organisation” (ALMO) working in partnership with the council to manage homes for tenants and leaseholders in Hammersmith and Fulham.

They were formed in 2004 and are responsible for about 18,000 homes. As part of their Decent Homes Programme, Hammersmith and Fulham Homes have specified and purchased easy-on durability coating and easy-guard fire protection paint supplied by Go-Gum Ltd to give communal areas the required fire and anti graffiti resistance.

Rob Dixon, Managing Director of Go-Gum Limited commented: “Hammersmith and Fulham Homes have been using the easy-on™ durability coating supplied by Go-Gum Ltd for a number of years to protect bare brick surfaces from the effects of graffiti and are delighted with the products effectiveness and 20 year life cycle.”

“The easy-on product has now been specified and is being used in conjunction with the easy-guard™ fire protection paint for the Decent Homes communal refurbishment programme. This ensures that Hammersmith and Fulham Homes achieve the required fire rating for their walls and ceilings and a durability coating which will accommodate hundreds of cleaning cycles.”